Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tafelbier - Low Gravity Brewing

If you follow anything related to homebrewing you will quickly realise that there is definite tendency for homebrewers to brew high ABV beers. Big beers create big impressions and when you want your beers to get noticed, this is often the easiest way to do it - particularly in competition. However, I think brewing big is also a way for mediocre brewers to disguise flaws in their beers and can quite often be a marker for lazy, unadventurous recipe formulation. Who cares about the correct yeast pitching rate, or eliminating off flavours, when you mask it with a couple of dry hop additions?! Sure it might be enjoyable to drink, but are you actually becoming a better brewer?

So as a bit of fun recently, one of the homebrew clubs I'm a member of (Bristol Craft Brewers) lay down a challenge to everyone to brew a low gravity beer for the August meeting. Quite a few people weren't all that interested in taking part, which is fair enough. Another problem with homebrewing is finding the time to do it and brewing an extra low abv beer just doesn't fit in with a lot of peoples' schedules, but hopefully there will be a few examples to try out.

The thing that I find so appealing about brewing a low abv beer is that it's a real challenge to get right. There's going to be a small grain bill so every bit counts. You also need to find a way of increasing the body so it doesn't taste watery. Hop bitterness will be overpowering in a light beer, so you can't just throw hops at it as you might a high gravity IPA. There is also the appealing factor that pretty much any colour/style of beer has the potential to be made into a low abv version. There are so many ways of building body in a beer - higher mash temperature, dextrin malts, crystal malts, yeast choice and so on - that you can choose whichever way suits the style best.

For my effort I took inspiration from a Belgian Tafelbier that was brewed to replace fizzy drinks in school! Yes, those crazy Belgians gave beer to school kids as a response to child obesity. So this is a very light beer brewed with some belgian yeast character, aiming to be refreshing and easy to drink (without getting drunk). Due to time constraints I only had a limited window to brew this between festivals this summer, and I was unable to order in any specific ingredients. This meant the only yeast I could get hold of was Safale T-58, a dry yeast that I haven't used before, and the specialty grains were led by what I already had. Having said that, I was happy with the recipe that I put together, I would've liked to have got hold of a more expressive and less attenuative yeast.


1.700 kg
Pilsner (2 Row) UK (7.0 EBC)
73.3 %
0.250 kg
Vienna Malt (7.0 EBC)
10.8 %
0.150 kg
Caramunich I (Weyermann) (100.5 EBC)
6.5 %
0.120 kg
Aromatic Malt (51.2 EBC)
5.2 %
0.100 kg
Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC)
4.3 %

5.00 g

Magnum [14.20 %] - Boil 60.0 min

9.3 IBUs
0.50 tsp
Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 mins)
3.00 g
Peppercorns (Boil 5.0 mins)
1.0 pkg
SafBrew T-58

Brew Day - 20/07/2014
O.G. 1.027

I mashed at 69C to increase the amount of unfermentable sugars in the wort for extra body. The first gallon of runnings was boiled for an hour to reduce it to just over half of it's previous volume. This was intended to increase the caramel impression of the beer. The gravity numbers were a little higher than predicted, but I decided not to adjust it as the abv will be so low anyway.

Unfortunately, brewing on one of the hottest days of the year means that an immersion chiller isn't all that effective. The temp dropped quite well initially, but then stayed at around 23C. A check of the mains water temperature (20C) made up my mind that it wasn't going to drop too much more like that, so I ran it off into the fermenter and put that in my new brew fridge! I've set that for 17C, so hopefully it will be able to bring the wort down to a more realistic pitching temperature for the yeast.

The fridge took a few hours but got the wort down to a pitchable temperature of 17.9C by the end of the day. I was a bit concerned that the rehydrated yeast would've been at around 22C (ambient temp) when I pitched it, but there was not a lot I could do about that!

Tafelbier - day 4

S.G. 1.009

I have to say that the beer still tastes pretty watery. There doesn't seem to be enough malt flavours coming through from such a small grist. Perhaps brewing this with maris otter would've been better. There is a hint of belgian yeast character, but not a huge amount.

I've decided to let the beer warm up now to encourage the yeast to clean up the beer ready to be put on chill. As it's so warm I've just switched off the fridge and opened the door to let it free rise. I've kept the temperature probe switched on though, so I can make sure it doesn't get too warm in there.

I am kind of torn between doing something to the beer to try and make it a bit more exciting, and leaving it to finish as I designed it. I might get a better beer by adding some dry hops and seeing if I can do something about the lack of body... but doesn't that sound a bit like cheating?!

Tafelbier - day 3

S.G. 1.013

The fridge has worked really well and kept a pretty constant 17C. I understand that this is the low end of the scale for fermentation temperature, but I've read a few reviews of the yeast that suggest it kicks off a lot of bubblegum and banana at higher temperatures. As this is a low gravity quick drinker, I don't really want to be aging it for any time in order to remove off flavours.

At the moment the beer does taste pretty thin and, I guess, watery which isn't exactly what I wanted! But, this is a style brewed to be suitable for school children so I shouldn't be so surprised. I'm still looking forward to the finished beer which, when carbonated as well, should taste quite different.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Summer IPA

I haven't brewed for a couple of weeks and I've got some free time this Sunday, thanks to there being no Six Nations to watch, so I've put together something hoppy. Kind of a pancake day brew this one. I wanted to use some Summer hops that I've had in the freezer for a while, so I put this recipe together to be a moderate alcohol IPA. I've not found much information about Summer hops other than they're supposed to give an apricot aroma and are suited to dry hopping. Apart from that I've heard that they aren't a very dominant flavour hop and can get a bit lost in the mix.

Today's hops.
 What I've decided to do is go for a simple grain bill of mostly Pilsner malt with a bit of light Crystal and a bit of Munich to add a bit of sweetness and biscuity flavour. This will hopefully give a reasonably neutral base to the beer without being bland.

For the hops I've gone with a relatively neutral bittering addition of Northern Brewer. I'm going to add Summer at all stages to get that flavour throughout the beer too. Other hop additions will be at 5mins, 0mins and dry hop. I was going to use just Summer and Cascade for these thinking that the citrus, grapefruit character of the Cascade would go well with the apricot. I then thought that it might be a bit too similar so I decided on a reasonably small addition of Amarillo at 5mins to give the beer an element of juicy fruit sweetness. So here's the recipe:


5.000 kg
Pilsner (2 Row) UK (7.0 EBC)
90.9 %
0.250 kg
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (78.8 EBC)
4.5 %
0.250 kg
Munich Malt (17.7 EBC)
4.5 %

36.00 g

Northern Brewer 2012 [9.70 %] - Boil 60.0 min



35.7 IBUs
10.00 g
Summer [6.30 %] - Boil 60.0 min
6.4 IBUs
20.00 g
Amarillo [8.70 %] - Boil 5.0 min
3.5 IBUs
20.00 g
Cascade 2013 [8.40 %] - Boil 5.0 min
3.4 IBUs
10.00 g
Summer [6.30 %] - Boil 5.0 min
1.3 IBUs
20.00 g
Cascade 2012 [7.50 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 10.0 min
2.8 IBUs
20.00 g
Summer [6.30 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 10.0 min
2.3 IBUs

50.00 g
Summer [6.30 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days
0.0 IBUs

I will be using my new hop filter for the brew too. I bought this ages ago from Mr Lard (who I can absolutely recommend for homebrew kit), but it was too big for my boiler. Yesterday I finally got around to taking it apart and remaking it at half the size. Hopefully this is the end of standing over the kettle at the end of a brew day, sweeping hops away from the hop filter with my mash paddle, while the beer trickles out. Seriously, this has added an extra hour onto my last few brew days so if I can put a stop to it it'll be a big step forward!

New hop filter ready to go!

The water treatment will be nice and simple today with some acid to bring the mash pH down and some gypsum to bring out the hops:
Lactic acid: 5ml to mash
Gypsum: 2g to mash, 2g to sparge

Predicted mash pH 5.45. I use an adapted version of the EZ Water spreadsheet and I find it fantastic! I actually found a pot of pH test strips that I bought ages ago today. So I got to test the pH for real today. Although they're not the easiest thing to get an accurate value from, I measured it as being between 5.0 and 5.4. This is a bit lower than I was aiming for, but should be absolutely fine. Good to know the spreadsheet is pretty reliable.
Now that's how rehydrating yeast should end up!
 The brew day all went according to plan and was pretty stress free. I'm pleased to report that the hop filter worked like a charm and didn't get blocked up at all. Well worth the money. So I'm writing this at 4:30pm with a cup of coffee having brewed beer, tidied up, and cleaned the mash tun and kettle! I love it when a plan comes together!
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