Wednesday 23 July 2014

Tafelbier - day 4

S.G. 1.009

I have to say that the beer still tastes pretty watery. There doesn't seem to be enough malt flavours coming through from such a small grist. Perhaps brewing this with maris otter would've been better. There is a hint of belgian yeast character, but not a huge amount.

I've decided to let the beer warm up now to encourage the yeast to clean up the beer ready to be put on chill. As it's so warm I've just switched off the fridge and opened the door to let it free rise. I've kept the temperature probe switched on though, so I can make sure it doesn't get too warm in there.

I am kind of torn between doing something to the beer to try and make it a bit more exciting, and leaving it to finish as I designed it. I might get a better beer by adding some dry hops and seeing if I can do something about the lack of body... but doesn't that sound a bit like cheating?!

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